It seems that we are truly unable to escape technology no matter where we go. From work, to home, the places we shop at and even the schools we work in, technology has a large impact everywhere we look. As a potential future educator, I believe that it is important to integrate technology to "keep up with the times". The generatio of current children and future children are heavily influenced by technology. Their toys are not dolls or action figures anymore; they are games on their Play Station or X-Box. They want to have their own cell phones at the age of 8 and they want the newest IPad at the age of 11. These children's lives revolve around the newest technology in the world.
I want to be able to bring technology into my classroom. I want children to be able to use computers and electronic devices in a way that can further their education. It is important to foster new-age technology instead of reject it. So much of what is being invented can truly help the classroom learning experience.
From applications on computers and tablets and even using a SmartBoard, techology has also made things easier as well. No longer do we have to write on a chalkboard; we can just type it up quickly and save the information. No longer do we have to stictly be a talking-listening classroom. We can use videos and auditory things that can stimulate thinking. There is so much that we can do now that technology can be used to help educate.
I do not think that technology can replace real life instruction though. We need teachers to be there to scaffold and guide learning. We need real teachers to answer questions and promote higher order thinking. We need teachers to interpret information that students can not exactly convey. We still need old-fashioned methods and teachers, just with a new-age technological twist.