No matter how old you get, Kid Pix, no matter what version, is still so much fun. It is one of the best creative software programs ever invented for children. When I was in elementary school, we started out with the original Kid Pix. I remember that I could spend hours on that program. There were so many things you could do on it that you didn't find at the time on other programs; it was an original program at the time. Sure, there was 'Paint' on almost every computer, but there is only so much you can do with 'Paint'. From animations, to spray paint, fill in bucket, the "OH NO" button, it was always a pleasure to play on that program.
Kid Pix was and still is, incredibly child-friendly. It was easy, colorful, efficient, and it let children of different imaginary tracks do their own thing. There was the pencil and paint tool for children who could do it free hand. There was the animation and stamp tool for children who wanted instant gratification. There was also the microphone tool you could use to bring life and voice to what you were making.
Using the Kid Pix tool really brought back great memories for me. In the newest version out, there are so many MORE things one can do on this program it actually takes time to look through it all. Although it is not as simple and it once was, children are able to have so many more resources at their fingertips. There are many other types of Kid Pix programs out there on the market, and some of them might actually be better than KP, but I am very biased. Growing up with KP makes the program nostalgic and I wish I had it installed on my computer today.
I was very happy to be reintroduced to it again.
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